Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm back!

Did you miss me?  Heh!  Yes,  I was off wandering ..  just around town and the house and the yard.  Shoveling the fluffy snow. Brushing the fluffy cats.  Wondering why on a day that I had extremely bad hair I ran into my church's priest at a not-quite-local diner.  Just because,  I guess.

No sightings of mice lately, which is good.  Yippee!

Hang in there, and I may have some good news to announce.  But I have to get something printed out first ... and that doesn't involve cats or bats or rats or even mice.

[Sorry for any weird spacing between words ...   my keyboard is being bad.]


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bats at the door ...

Tonight, I address everything in the title of this blog!

Today, I trundled down to the townhall and paid for the cats' licenses.  Yippee!  They're good for another year!  2011's metal tags are green; last year, I believe they were red, and the year before they were silver.  Hmm ... I bet I could make some interesting bracelets with the old tags ...

As it happens, I'm in the market for a door knocker for the back outside door ... but I'm pretty sure I want a bat [or possibly something horror-related; no zombies need apply, thanks].  A friend sent this link:

It's pretty cool ... and considerably less expensive than the other one at the first link he sent--that cost $150.   Cough, cough.  Gasp!

I'm also looking for a plug-in doorbell.  I've been to the big box stores just outside of town and traipsed up and down the aisles--tra la!--but I guess I'll start searching online.  What do I want?  Well, something interesting would be nice.  Something affordable would also be good! <g>
And speaking of rats ... I see that the season finale of Hoarders will be on next week and will feature a guy who has a lot of rats.  I think that "a lot" probably does not come close to describing the number of rats in this guy's house.  I think I read somewhere that the rats numbered in the neighborhood of a thousand ... or more.  And these rats were not caged, by the way ... In one of the preview scenes, the rats just POURED out of the wall.  It was a waterfall of rodents!  Um ... I look forward to this episode.  I think.  I tape the show every Monday night, then watch it later on in the evening or sometimes early Tuesday.  And then for some reason, I find myself tossing out stuff and picking up around the house for the next few days ...

Well, I've got to go and sort through some papers and such now ... 


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Misc. hooey

Thanks, Ivy.

Aha ... my plan to take over the universe continues apace.  I now have one follower!  Heh!

And now I will toddle off into the darkness ...


Saturday, January 1, 2011

No lily pads

So, I saw a tab above, and it said "Monetize"  and I thought, oh, how nice--it must be some artsy design thing to make the blog look nicer..  You know, Monet ... water ... bridge ... all that.  Nope.  I'm still learning ...

And now I am going away because I was up until 4 a.m. last night.  No, not partying.  I was pounding the bedroom wall and closet door with my slippers.  And it wasn't because of errant Gila monsters.

I have no stats yet.  I am so chagrined.   [Excuse weird spacing ... keyboard in rebellion mode.]


A new year ... a new beginning

Hello.   Hello?   Is  this thing on?  Um, first-time blog entity here.  Don't know what I'm doing.  Hasn't stopped me other times.  Ha.

Ah, now I'm on to the second paragraph.

This will be a blog about cats (I have some), bats (love them), and rats (well, actually mice since they seem to be getting inside the house. The cats are munching down on crunchy snacks).   And maybe I'll toss in a Gila monster or two.

I'm a published writer, newsletter editor, freelance editor, and some other things no doubt.  And I also like beads and collect teapots.  Maybe I'll take some photos and post them here.  Well, one step at a time.

Over and out for now.  I think.
