Saturday, January 1, 2011

A new year ... a new beginning

Hello.   Hello?   Is  this thing on?  Um, first-time blog entity here.  Don't know what I'm doing.  Hasn't stopped me other times.  Ha.

Ah, now I'm on to the second paragraph.

This will be a blog about cats (I have some), bats (love them), and rats (well, actually mice since they seem to be getting inside the house. The cats are munching down on crunchy snacks).   And maybe I'll toss in a Gila monster or two.

I'm a published writer, newsletter editor, freelance editor, and some other things no doubt.  And I also like beads and collect teapots.  Maybe I'll take some photos and post them here.  Well, one step at a time.

Over and out for now.  I think.



  1. You like beads, but you also like breads, this I know for a fact! I'm sure your blog will be very interesting, as that's just the kind of person you are. ;-)
